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The NTNU-USC DIMBA Program has been suspended since Academic Year 2018-2019.


Students, welcome on board to DIMBA program 2017! Hand on and enjoy the magical ride with NTNU and USC!

Time really flies. One year is just like a blink!The 2016 orientation was like happening yesterday and we are holding it again for class 2017.Students, welcome on board to DIMBA program 2017! Hand on and enjoy the magical ride with NTNU and USC!...

The learning experience in DIMBA program is unique and rarely found in other regular MBA programs.

While studying in Darla Moore School of Business at USC, students visited the SC Department of Commerce and received in depth understanding on the business environment and activities in South Carolina.The learning experience in DIMBA program is unique and rarely found in other regular MBA programs. ...

Feel the energy of SMEs in Taiwan. Firsthand experience @ Doing Business in Asia.


Double Degree Program

With the economic liberalization and internationalization, Taiwan has kicked off the first implementation phase of the Free Economic Pilot Zones (FEPZs) in August 2013. FEPZs will be opened to include more economic activities as time goes by smart logistics, international healthcare services, value-added agriculture, financial services and education innovation.

Double Degree Program

With the economic liberalization and internationalization, Taiwan has kicked off the first implementation phase of the Free Economic Pilot Zones (FEPZs) in August 2013. FEPZs will be opened to include more economic activities as time goes by smart logistics, international healthcare services, value-added agriculture, financial services and education innovation.
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