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Double Degree Program

With the economic liberalization and internationalization, Taiwan has kicked off the first implementation phase of the Free Economic Pilot Zones (FEPZs) in August 2013. FEPZs will be opened to include more economic activities as time goes by smart logistics, international healthcare services, value-added agriculture, financial services and education innovation.

Based on the strategic direction of "innovation in education", the Ministry of Education hopes to find another possibility for the development of domestic higher education. In compliance with Ministry of Education’s plan, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) makes great effort to improve university management through international collaboration and pooling resources together with foreign universities.

Cooperate with Ministry of Education, NTNU is the first university presenting one year double degree of MBA program in Taiwan. The program named NTNU-South Carolina Double Degree Program. It is a one year program, 48 credit hours program with internship and thesis. By completing this program, you will be award both MBA degrees from NTNU and University of South Carolina.